Other pages on our website:
- Woodchester Mansion and Park
- Woodchester Roman Villa
- Woodchester Companies
- Woodchester Piano Works
- Woodchester Saw Mills
- Plan of Grigshott and Woodchester Mill
Link to History of Woodchester by Woodchester Historical Society
We have been given this picture of Woodchester Priory – it was built for William Leigh of Woodchester Mansion, but was demolished in 1970, leaving the church. Inside the Roman Catholic Church is the architects model of the priory. Nuns from St Roses Convent in Stroud are buried in the churchyard, including Sir Edward Elgar’s sister.
Photos P Stevens 2017 (More photos are on www.HettyHikes.co.uk)
Found during 2014 search of Citizen archive.

Woodchester Baptist Chapel
North Woodchester
2002_10_04a Citizen 2002_10_04b Citizen